
製作時間: 30分鐘內
份量人數: 3-4人

青椒 Green pepper 5-6條/pcs
免治豬肉 Minced pork 150克/g
薑蓉 Minced ginger 2湯匙/tbsp
蠔油 Oyster 1湯匙/tbsp
生粉 Corn starch 1湯匙/tbsp
雞蛋 Egg 2隻/pcs
炸粉 Fried power 適量/To use
油 Oil 1茶匙/tsp

1 :

青椒切段,每段約3厘米長,去囊備用 Remove seeds. Cut green pepper into 3cm sections.
2 :

免治豬肉、薑蓉、蠔油、生粉及雞蛋拌勻成肉餡 Mix minced pork, ginger, oyster sauce, corn starch and egg.
3 :

用唧袋將肉餡釀肉青椒內 Stuff green pepper with pork filling.
4 :

炸粉按指示加水拌成粉漿 Mix fried powder with water according to the package.
5 :
加雞蛋及油拌勻 Mix well with egg and oil.
6 :
燒熱油 Heat oil.
7 :

釀青椒沾上炸漿 Coat green pepper sections with the batter.
8 :